Tuesday, September 4, 2012

LewisGene @ Solaris Mont Kiara

礼拜日去Plaza Mont Kiara度做完spa,就同老牛去食午餐。本想去位于Solaris Dutamas既Coffee stain by Joseph,点知个日blur blur 地,我地当咗Solaris Mont Kiara係Solaris Dutamas。无变啦,都来到咯咪睇下有么食咯。行下行下,发觉原来都几多间coffee bar喔。但係我同老牛都不约而同被一间位于楼上既coffee bar既名吸引到。无错係佢个名,唔知点解但係就觉得好得意好鬼佬,ok啦既然去错地方就行咗上去try下D野。


佢地係无餐牌既,所有餐牌都写晒係个counter上边个board度,好有读书feel。而且佢地仲有卖coffee brewer machine,唔睇过都唔知原来coffee brewer係咁贵,价钱都係由10k起。更係咯,一分钱一分货,brew出来既定係正D既。

我order咗Ice Chocolate,来到时一睇,哇 3layers,正!不过味道一般,唔可以怪,因为佢地係brew Coffee出名唔係chocolate。

老牛fave,Ice Mocha。The thickness of the coffee powder in it, truly indulged me!

Chicken Bolognese Pasta, very homie taste. I like it anyway.

Beef Bolognese Pasta, quite a normal taste like home-made.

Very nice settings, I love the red napkins.

It's always fine if you're not gonna order any drinks from them but pastry or foods. Because they'll always have you plain waters to ease your thirstiness. :)

View inside LewisGene

View from opposite building, outside LewisGene.
More infor about LewisGene,
Add : No.2-1(1st floor), Jalan Solaris 3, Solaris Mont Kiara, 50480 KL, Malaysia.
Facebook : LewisGeneEspresso
Tel : +603-6206 2599
Email : inquiry@lewisgene.com



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